
The Call to Action on Protection from Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies (Call to Action) is a multi-stakeholder initiative launched in 2013 to fundamentally transform the way gender-based violence is addressed in humanitarian emergencies. The aim is to drive change and foster accountability so that every humanitarian effort, from the earliest stage of a crisis, includes the policies, systems and mechanisms to mitigate gender-based violence risks, especially violence against women and girls, and to provide safe and comprehensive services to those affected by gender-based violence.
"GBV is an issue that must be addressed across all humanitarian response sectors, but this is not operationalized at the global or field level. Leadership and ownership of GBV as a cross-cutting issue is typically weak within organisations and across humanitarian response at all levels. There is not yet widespread understanding of what GBV is or what a humanitarian response to GBV should look like."
Call to Action on Protection from Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies, Roadmap 2016-2020
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